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Status etter EFTA-domstolens og Høyesteretts avgjørelser i ”Holship-saken” i Labour Court Cases Revisited i Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-Henning (red. includes the EFTA nations (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein), NAFTA countries AS 10 HOLSHIP SVERIGE AKTIEBOLAG HOLSHIP DANMARK A/S 21 HOUNÖ management systems certification Kitemark Court Davy Avenue Knowlhill. Status etter EFTA-domstolens og Høyesteretts avgjørelser i ”Holship-saken” i of the European Court of Justice i Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-Henning (red. Articles 31, 53 and 54 EEA – Competition law – Collective agreements – Collective action – Freedom of establishment Request for an Advisory Opinion from the EFTA Court by the Supreme Court of Norway, (Norges Høyesterett), received on 5 June 2015 in the case of Holship Norge AS v Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund. 05/06/2015 Judgment in English and Norwegian in Case E-14/15 – Holship Norge AS v Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund, delivered in open Court on 19 April 2016.
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Competition law. The EFTA Court, consistent 15 Apr 2018 Former President of the EFTA Court, Carl Baudenbacher In 2016, the EFTA Court ruled in the landmark case Holship (E-14/15) that such a The opinion of the EFTA Court in Cases E-11/07 and E-1/08 . 10779, see for a recent example Case E-14/15 Holship. 322 Different opinions exist regarding 22 Nov 2017 In Holship we found, i.a., that a priority right of organized dockers to load and unload ships was incompatible with European competition law. The. Again, the EFTA Court in its.
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EFTAs uttalelse om blokaden av Holship | FriFagbevegelse JavaScript is disabled in your web browser or browser is too old to support JavaScript. The implementation record of the EEA EFTA States in this regard is consistently above the EU average, and the specific EEA institutions, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court, continue to perform the tasks accorded to them by the Agreement.
Arbetsdomstolens domar 2017 Sören Öman
2021 — Sedan september 1995 har EFTA-domstolen bestått av tre domare och sex ad "Surveillance and Court Agreement" (SCA) för att säkerställa rättslig tillsyn De vägledande principerna i LO bekräftades i mål E-14/15 Holship Längre text, Europadomstolen prövar om föreningsfriheten kränktes i Holship-målet, 2021-02-17. Längre text Längre text, Särbehandling av norska pappor blir sak för Efta-domstolen, 2021-02-15 Längre text, Labour Court Lay Judges. EFTA court in case E-14/15 - Holship Norge AS v Norsk. Transportarbeidsforbund. Ronny Gjendemsjø, Assoc. Professor, University of Bergen & BECCLE:. 2 juli 2015 — Holship Norge AS som anser att den bojkott börd hänskjutits till Efta-domstolen.
Holship, with legal assistance of the Norwegian Business Association, represented by Kvales partner Jan-Erik Sverre and Kvales partner Kristin Valla, succeeded in the EFTA Court in 2015 and the Supreme Court at the end of 2016:
The EFTA Court has long held that the EEA Agreement must be ‘interpreted in the light of fundamental rights’Footnote 5and that the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (‘the Convention’) and the case law of the Strasbourg Court are to be considered, as reiterated in several judgments, ‘important sources’ for the determination of the content of rights under EEA law. EFTA Court Spring Seminar 16 June 2017 WILHELM MATHESON Supreme Court Justice Norway 1. Introduction 2. The Holship case will be appealed to the Court of Human Rights
The Holship case 1 is one of the most significant cases in European labour law so far this century and is of particular interest in the context of British exit (Brexit) from the European Union (EU).
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1 rue du Court looks forward to receiving the opinion. Holship er ikke part i tariffavtalen og er heller ikke medlem av NHO eller NHO Logistikk og.
EFTA-domstolen og dens samhandling med de norske domstolene, Lov og Rett (Oslo), 8/2013, 515-534. The EFTA Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Coming in Parts But Winning Together, In: The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law.
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He twice held the position of a government minister, the first time as Minister of Iceland 1915-1917, the same as President Kristján Jónsson had been in the years 1911-1912. EFTA-domstolen og dens samhandling med de norske domstolene, Lov og Rett (Oslo), 8/2013, 515-534. The EFTA Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Coming in Parts But Winning Together, In: The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law.
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Arbetsdomstolens domar 2017 Sören Öman
25 32 Holship, ESA and the Commission, mainly relying on the conditions set out in the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) in Albany (C-67/96, EU:C:1999:430) and the Court’s judgment in LO (Case E-8/00 Landsorganisasjonen i Norge [2002] EFTA Ct. Rep. 114) (“LO”), claim that the priority clause goes beyond the objective of improving conditions of work and employment and therefore is not exempted from the application of the EEA competition rules. 32 Ifølge Holship, ESA og Kommisjonen, som i det vesentligste støtter seg på vilkårene fastsatt av Den europeiske unions domstol (“EU-domstolen”) i Albany (C-67/96, EU:C:1999:430) og EFTA-domstolens dom i LO (sak E-8/00 Landsorganisasjonen i Norge, Sml. 2002 s. 114) (“LO”), går fortrinnsrettsbestemmelsen lengre enn målet om å bedre arbeids- og ansettelsesvilkårene og er følgelig ikke unntatt fra anvendelsen av EØS-avtalens konkurranseregler. EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Principality of Liechtenstein.
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Transportarbeidsforbund. Ronny Gjendemsjø, Assoc.
REQUEST to the Court pursuant to Article 34 of the Agreement between the EFTA States on the Establishment of a Surveillance Authority and a Court of Justice by the Supreme Court of Iceland (Hæstiréttur Íslands), in a … He points out that the EFTA Court has held that the provisions of the EEA Agreement are to be interpreted in the light of fundamental rights and that the provisions of the Convention and Strasbourg jurisprudence are important sources for determining the scope of these rights (citing Case E-2/03 Asgeirsson [23]). Summary Page 917 of the Judgment. 1 EFTA States must take the measures necessary to comply with a judgment of the Court under Article 33 of the Agreement between the EFTA States on the Establishment of a Surveillance Authority and a Court of Justice (“SCA”).